Leo Tarotscope

The Queen of Wands from the Aquarian Tarot at www.BohemianPathTarot.com

The Queen of Wands from the Aquarian Tarot

Your Tarot Mentor for April 2024:
The Queen of Wands

Archetype: Movie Star, Diva, Influencer

Advice/Action: Take the spotlight

How it might show up generally:
Your charm can influence others; Star-power, Taking the lead in anything and everything; confidence

In relationships: Dazzle a crush; Take a leading position in a relationship; Seductive power; Attracting multiple lovers and fans

In work/career: Big gigs; Anything center stage or in front of an audience; your charm could sell anything; Moving up to management

This Queen is built for the spotlight – full of moxie, smart and sassy, creative and in control. This month, this superstar is your mentor. Whether you are male or female, let this diva be your guide. Take ownership of your gifts and charms, trumpet your talents, find an audience for your very own one-person show. Trust that it’s time to make a special appearance; the paparazzi are waiting to be dazzled by you. Making the peasants Oooooh and Ahhhh is what you were born to do. Please note: you don’t have to actually live in Hollywood to be fabulous. Be inspired to share yourself no matter your zip code or occupation.

For more Tarot goodness, check out the videos over on my YouTube channel here!