Yearly Tarot (2022)

This space is usually meant for inspirational words of wisdom. This time, I have no wise words for the start of this new year. Honestly, I have been through the wringer over the last few years and I am tired. (Can you relate?)

Let’s skip ahead and just let the cards handle the inspiration. Select your zodiac sign (and your rising sign and/or moon sign if you know it) to meet your Tarot inspiration for the new year. Here’s to a healthier, easier and more generally restful 2022!

The World from the Mucha Tarot


Card: The World

Theme: A new life

Meditation for yourself:
I honor my evolution as I step into my new life

When in doubt, try: Recycling clothes that no longer fit; Redecorating a room, a new hobby space, a nursery; Throwing a graduation party for yourself

Practical action: Share your success; Give an acceptance speech; Thank a parent and/or partner;
Take a picture of this moment

This is a liminal moment, that transitional phase as you move from one role or chapter of life to the next. When this card shows up, it validates the completion of a cycle and guarantees a new era. Right now, you are at the precipice, feeling the shift as one door is closing, aware that change is ahead. Take account and acknowledge the lessons of the past cycle that have been incorporated into your being, consider how you can move into the next phase with all the knowledge you have gained. Often this card comes just before a birth or just after a wedding – when change is not instantaneous but to be discovered and implemented day by day in the time to come. Trust that you have all you need to grow into your new role. Feel free to own your confidence as you leap into the next great adventure. You have earned it.

The Moon from the Mucha Tarot



Card: The Moon

Theme: Messages from other senses

Meditation for yourself: I am the sum of many wise parts

When in doubt, try: Closing your eyes and using the force; Giving your heart the floor; Facing your fear

Practical action: Slow down; Read the room; Assume you don’t see the whole pictures with your eyes


The Moon signals a period when your intellect does not have all the info you need, but your other senses fill in the blanks. This Tarot Mentor is advising that this is the year to release your preference for intellectual knowledge and balance it with other ways of knowing. Like, sometimes your heart has some really important information that the intellect is inclined to discount. Your loins, too – that area needs and deserves representation. And your gut – sometimes fear has an urgent message for you. Let go of any expectations about what part of you ought to be in charge, and start listening to all of the different states of you. This card supports your empowerment as you make new kinds of choices based on a more democratic panel of you.

The King of Cups from the Aquarian Tarot


Card: The King of Cups

Theme: Uncovering and releasing traumas (yours and others)

Meditation for yourself: I clear away trapped energy and restore good vibes with loving compassion

When in doubt, try: Writing a poem; A cleansing cry

Practical action: Use laughter as medicine; Initiate ‘the talk’; Schedule therapy; Coordinate an intervention; Write in your journal; Tell someone how you feel


This King is the master of the emotional realm. Not only does this indicate a natural genius for showing the love, it suggests a skill for diagnosing the emotional pitfalls that others fall into, and the ability (and inclination) to reach in and help others dig themselves out. While you would prefer to tell a joke or make a breezy comment, this year your greatest successes will be found when you pause to see the world through someone else’s eyes and feel the world with someone else’s heart. Whether you do this as a formal therapist, or as a 12 step sponsor, or even as a comedian exploring hard truths in front of an audience, this card is your validation. Your insights serve as a beacon to others. Share your gift.

The Three of Wands from the Golden Tarot

The Three of Wands from the Golden Tarot


Card: The Three of Wands

Theme: Enjoying the first fruits of the harvest

Meditation for yourself: The more energy I invest in my goals, the more I manifest

When in doubt, try: A humble brag

Practical action: Post about your hustle/gig/gain on social media; Establish an address for your business; Send out new resumes/headshots/marketing flyers, Hire an assistant/agent/coach


Most traditional versions of this card feature a figure watching a seafaring ship coming into port. Or is it taking goods out to the next port? Doesn’t matter – whether your ship coming in or going out, this card signals good energy moving in your world! It validates that you have put energy and action behind your dreams and now you’ve got your mojo flowing. This is not a sign to rest on your laurels, keep at it, keep strategizing, keep feeding the flow. As the new year begins you will see proof that your ideas are in motion, and that your goals are closer to manifestation. You are making it happen – keep your eyes on the prize and the momentum spreading to a larger audience.

The Three of Cups from the Golden Tarot at

The Three of Cups from the Golden Tarot Deck


Card: The Three of Cups

Theme: Successes through connections

Meditation for yourself: I easily attract joyful collaborators

When in doubt, try: Mixing business with pleasure

Practical action: Flirt; Dance; Call the gang over (or host a zoom party); Get the band back together; Put on a play in the barn


This is the party card – good friends, good music, good laughs, and possibly free-flowing libations. Even though the pandemic is STILL affecting our play time, this is your year to make your important connections a priority. Get creative if you have to, but this card is supporting your efforts to re-connect with your favorite collaborators and make some new ones. Your greatest successes this year will be through your connections with others and by creating mutual admiration societies. While you are likely to receive plenty of invitations directly, don’t be shy about inviting and refreshing connections yourself.

The Queen of Pentacles from the Steampunk Tarot


Card: The Queen of Pentacles

Theme: Crafty creature comforts

Meditation for yourself: My home is my castle and my safe space

When in doubt, try: Moving the furniture around; Giving yourself a home spa afternoon

Practical action: Invest in creature comforts, Hire a cleaner; Make your side-hustle an official home-based business


This Queen represents the crafty earth mama who has a genius for things like creative endeavors, home based businesses, redecorating the nest. She appears when life becomes abundant enough to support projects at home that amplify comfort. While the pandemic still leaves us at home more often than ever before, this card suggests this year you will be using your home space and altering it to your advantage. Maybe it’s an official transition to working at home, general home projects and upgrades, dedicating more time to meal planning or crafty side hustles that grow, this card suggests more conscious efforts in your comfortable headquarters. Craft on, Mama!

The King of Coins (Pentacles) from the Golden Tarot


Card: The King of Pentacles

Theme: Managing long term investments

Meditation for yourself: I am the master of my credit score, I take responsibility for strengthening my financial foundation

When in doubt, try: Reviewing your budget

Practical action: Make a commitment; Take a calculated financial risk; Pay down a credit card; Hire a tax expert


This King is the master of practicality and stability. He shows up for you as inspiration to pace yourself. This King reminds you that the important things in life aren’t immediately manifested; there are no real “get rich quick” schemes – for real value your investments need time to mature. He reminds you that while there are situations outside of your control, it is in your power to respond to challenges and set-backs responsibly. This King recommends making thoughtful plans, so take stock and count your blessings. Especially in these unstable times, it is wise to review your position and your options to make choices that support your foundation. With this Tarot mentor, be inspired to build your empire for stability and permanence.


The Page of Wands from The Modern Witch Tarot Deck



Card: The Page of Wands

Theme: New inspirations

Meditation for yourself: I follow the spark of creation that feeds my soul

When in doubt: Try anyway. Don’t be afraid to fail, you’ll learn from it.

Practical action: Follow your excitement; Take a risk; Find a mentor; Write a book


When Pages show up, they tell us a new learning cycle is upon us. Pages bring new information to gain from and absorb. In this case, the Wands part says the learning is happening in your area of inspiration, creativity and inner fire. Even if you are a total expert in a creative field or craft, this card suggests it’s time to try something a little bit different. Reach out of your comfort zone and find a new area to master. This year, you’ll find yourself with a new creative endeavor that really gets your juices flowing. This requires tapping your confidence and trusting your new voice. This excitement will give you a new perspective on the creative process and help you strengthen your creative muscles. Enjoy the burn.

The Lovers from the Fenestra Tarot

The Lovers from the Fenestra Tarot



Card: The Lovers

Theme: Negotiating win-win contracts

Meditation for yourself: I create mutually delightful contracts with ease.

When in doubt, try: Asking for what you want; Listening  – really listening – to your crush

Practical action: Flirt; Negotiate; Use your words; Keep your promises; Have “the talk”


The Lovers seems like a sexy card, but it’s the kind of sexy that comes from knowing you have reached a mutually beneficial agreement with another party (or parties). The point is to negotiate contracts we value enough to uphold. We have personal responsibilities in our personal contracts, including what we choose to hang on to and what we choose to let go of for the good of the relationship. It reminds us to choose the relationships that support our best selves – and vice versa. Your most powerful moments in the new year will be found as you negotiate your needs with those of another VIP. Be smart, be clear, and confirm “win-win” agreements. (And for what it’s worth – this card speaks to all important relationships: business, family, platonic and romantic.)

The Eight of Coins (Pentacles) from the Golden Tarot


Card: The Eight of Pentacles

Theme: Mastery

Meditation for yourself: My work is beautiful and I am proud to share it with the world

When in doubt, try: …one more time. If you see a little flaw, go ahead and fix it or just do it over. Perfection is your brand.

Practical action: Sell on-line; Ask for a raise; Expand your side-hustle; Streamline your process

This is the card of the workhorse. Whatever it is you do, word is starting to spread. You are probably too busy being productive to notice the accolades, but your mastery is seen none-the-less. Maybe your supervisor gives you additional duties or word of mouth is spreading from happy client to potential customers and orders increase. In these strange days, you may even be getting clients from an unexpected demographic. Or maybe you have had to adapt your regular product to better suit our new normal or sell on-line. Whatever it is, this card says you are “in the zone” so keep up the good work. In the next year, your most meaningful moments arise in response to your hard work, diligence and attention to detail.

The King of Swords from the Golden Tarot


Card: The King of Swords

Theme: Fair and balanced discernment

Meditation for yourself: I have the wisdom and compassion to make a fair decision

When in doubt: Ask for a meeting

Practical action: Listen to all sides; Ask questions; Build a coalition; Find middle ground


More important than raw intelligence is wisdom. It’s not just about facts, it’s also about fairness. It’s not just about rules, it’s about the spirit of the law. It’s not just about speaking your truth, it’s also about hearing someone else’s point of view. This King has mastered the intricacies of balanced communication and uses it for the benefit of all. This is the card of the mediator, the person who can hear both sides of the argument and find reasonable solutions. This card indicates that this year your most powerful moments will be those in which you demonstrate wisdom and fairness. Whether you find yourself being a mediator more with family or more at work, fairness and wisdom is needed everywhere. Share your gift.

The Eight of Wands from the Mucha Tarot

The Eight of Wands from the Mucha Tarot


Card: The Eight of Wands

Theme: Legit opportunities

Meditation for yourself: I gratefully accept the offers that most closely align with my passions, and respectfully decline those that distract me from my path

When in doubt: Check your email

Practical action: Answer the call; Send the RSVP; Take the interview; Choose your passion project/s


Make sure the cell phone is charged, check all of your email accounts and double check those social media dm’s. New opportunities are coming your way this year and you don’t want to miss a single invitation. The stuff that inspires you and feeds your passion is coming and it is coming fast. It might come in multiple mailings, or through a metaphorical back door, or sent to your old contact info. For what it’s worth, this is all pretty much in response to all of the work and seed sowing you’ve done over the last…well, several years. Finally, it’s go time. This year, you are going to be very, very popular.