September 2023 Tarotscopes are posted!

Hello tarot lovers,

Our September 2023 Tarotscopes for each astrological sign are posted! (Be sure to use the pull-down menu to find your sign.)

And our community pull is the Queen of Pentacles, represented here by the version from the Light Seer’s Tarot.

The Queen of Pentacles from the Light Seer’s Tarot

Look at how serene she is, not even bothered by the retrograde parade (ie the planets in retrograde motion this month: Mercury, Venus Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). She is having a moment to breath in the fresh air, in daylight shaded by mature trees, at one with the natural world around her. She knows her earthy self, she is grateful for simple pleasures, she is at peace with her place in her world.

What a mentor for us this month! She serves as a reminder that no matter the chaos in our lives, we can return to grounded-ness with the breath, by “touching grass”, through physical comfort, sensual delights, gratitude and self-care.



Until next time, I’m wishing you a grounded, grateful month!


Haiku for the Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups from <a target="_blank" href="">The Llewellyn Tarot</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> at

The Seven of Cups from The Llewellyn Tarot


Shiny distractions

spark little revolutions

and hopeful missions.






The Seven of Cups from the <a target="_blank" href="">The Steampunk Tarot</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> at

The Seven of Cups from the The Steampunk Tarot



Shiny distractions

spark little revolutions

and hopeful missions.





Daydreams get a bad rap.

A little fantasy can be a good thing, if it leads to positive change. That’s the trick of the Seven of Cups. For some of us, it’s easy to get stuck in illusions and make believe. But it’s not enough just to dream. Using your imagination to visualize a more compelling life is just the first step. Giving yourself permission to expect more fulfillment and taking action to support your vision is where the real magic is. It’s about using your dreams and yearnings as a compass to reach out of your current place of discontent and moving into a more vibrant path.

Traditionally, the Seven of Cups suggests a passive state, where there are lots of ideas and feelings and hopes and dreams. While not all of the dreams are possible – or even likely – they are good information, telling you where you are ready to expand. Use the dreamy phase as a brainstorming session, let yourself imagine every crazy option. Then pick one or two to reach for in the real world. One of your daydreams is actually your future calling you.

Haiku for the Seven of Cups at, image from the Aquarian Tarot

Haiku for the Seven of Cups

My first Tarot deck

The Page of Cups from the <a target="_blank" href="">Aquarian Tarot</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important;margin:0!important;" /> at

The Page of Cups from the Aquarian Tarot

The first time I got a Tarot reading, I was in college. I can’t remember how it came about exactly, but we were totally sober and maybe a little bored when my friend offered to read for me. Getting a Tarot reading sure beat the alternative of doing homework on a Sunday afternoon, so I eagerly accepted.

My friend pulled out his deck from a scarf wrapping, and I was surprised that the Tarot deck was so much larger and thicker than regular playing cards. I marveled at the beauty of the deck he used, the Aquarian Tarot. I was even more amazed that it was a gift from his mother. His mother was a hippy, he told me, and he learned how to read the cards from her. I was jealous – my mom was more about coupon-clipping and mentoring frugality than encouraging esoterica and self-actualization.

Minor Arcana from the <a target="_blank" href="">Aquarian Tarot</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> at

The 10 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 9 of Swords from the Aquarian Tarot

As my friend went through the cards and characters, I hoped to hear exactly when I was going to get my “big break” and how much money I was going to make and when someone was going to fall in love with me. Instead, the reading covered some mundane matters – school stuff, really. It encouraged more focus and fire on my part. Which was not super romantic but so, so real. And because it was honest, I was hooked.

A few months later, my friend gave me my own Aquarian Tarot deck for my birthday. My first Tarot deck. I handled the cards regularly, fawning over the lovely images. The artwork alone inspired ideas and possible interpretations that hinted at more than the “Little White Book” suggested, so I also got a bigger book. And another. I tried to memorize other folks’ definitions, I practiced on anyone who would sit still long enough for a reading.

I got more decks, more books. I started a Tarot journal. And I kept practicing.

The Eight of Pentacles from the <a target="_blank" href="">Aquarian Tarot</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> at

The Eight of Pentacles from the Aquarian Tarot

There were books that helped to build a structure for understanding the Tarot (like Choice Centered Tarot by Gail Fairfield), and other decks that helped set specific cards as elements of a story that fit together (like the original Mythic Tarot or the Lover’s Path Tarot). But the significance of my first Tarot deck to my Tarot journey was really underscored by a first time client.

I was doing Tarot readings at a Goddess party a few months back, and I gave the readee a choice of decks to choose from. Since my Tarot collection is now over 30+ decks, I usually bring 3 or 4 decks to parties – one deck whose imagery goes with the theme of the party, then one sweet/romantic/relationship-y one, then maybe a bold deck that gives strong advice, and always my old standby, the Aquarian Tarot.

The new client looked at my collection of decks and picked up the old Aquarian Tarot, now yellowed and quite worn, and she said, “This one looks…cherished.”

I said, “Oh yes, that’s my very first deck! This is the one that began it all. I’ve been reading with this one for almost 30 years!”

“Then that’s the one I want my reading with,” she replied.

Excellent choice.

Ace of Cups and Wands, Page of Cups, Queen of Wands from the <a target="_blank" href="">Aquarian Tarot</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> at

Ace of Cups and Wands, Page of Cups, Queen of Wands from the Aquarian Tarot

Four Major Arcana from the The Emperor, Justice, The Sun, and Judgment from the <a target="_blank" href="">Aquarian Tarot</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> at

The Emperor, Justice, The Sun, and Judgment from the Aquarian Tarot

Haiku for the Two of Swords

The Two of Swords from the Fenestra Tarot



Torn between two paths
Head and heart are not in sync
Indecision regins.







Is it irony that I’ve been hemming and hawing about this post?

I’ve been sitting on this haiku for a few days now, not quite sure if it’s “right”. I started posting it yesterday, then bailed. And now that it’s Friday, it doesn’t seem like an inspiring one to launch into the weekend. But it’s the truth of where I am at – personally, professionally, and with this haiku.

So there it is.

One decision made, anyway.







Affirmations and the Eight of Cups

I have been working with affirmations a lot lately. If you aren’t in the habit, please allow me to introduce you! Affirmations target self-sabotaging thoughts and help you shift into a mindset that fosters healthy confidence and self-empowerment. The more centered we feel on our own path, the more stoked we are in our daily lives and the more easily we magnetize our goals. Pairing affirmations with Tarot archetypes adds another dimension to the practice.

Let’s use the Eight of Cups card as an example. In readings, the Eight of Cups suggests an emotional situation, a time of feeling strongly about something or someone, having an extreme response to a discovery or a powerful realization. Depending on the other cards around it, it can be a positive feeling (like love or joy) or a negative one (like fear or disappointment) but either way, it’s overwhelming for the person consulting the tarot. Some people are uncomfortable with (or even afraid of!) emotions, so for those folks this can be an unpleasant card. Some people try to repress emotions in themselves, hide from them and/or just try to gloss over them. But emotions have information for us – when we have a reaction, that’s our inner compass telling us where we are in relation to our path. And the Eight of Cups is very much about surrendering to the truth of the emotion we are feeling and letting that wisdom motivate our next action or course correction.

So for the Eight of Cups, I wrote these affirmations:

I feel my feelings.
I trust my feelings to show me what really matters to me.
I commit fully to the projects, relationships, and goals worthy of me and I release those that are unworthy.

Sometimes we need a reminder that feelings are important, that they have information for us, and that we can work with them to build more vibrant lives. Giving ourselves permission to feel fully and to honor the wisdom in our feelings is the meditation of the Eight of Cups. By repeating affirmations like these regularly – especially the ones that spark a strong reaction – we plant these concepts in our fertile brain garden. Which is what affirmations are meant to do – take root and blossom in the moist greenhouse of your mind.

(Nice metaphor, huh?)

The Tarot card shares its wisdom and serves as a visual stimulus for the verbal mantras. So pairing a card with the affirmation work gives the concept more entry points. You get more bang for your self-healing buck, if you will.

Affirmation for the Eight of Cups by

Affirmation for the Eight of Cups

That’s a small taste of how I use affirmations with my Tarot practice. I’ll share more techniques and Tarot affirmations in the weeks to come. If these inspire you, please check back weekly for more and/or follow along on Twitter or Facebook!

(And if this vibes with you, you might dig my Haiku series! Check out the Eight of Cups Haiku here.)