September 2023 Tarotscopes are posted!

Hello tarot lovers,

Our September 2023 Tarotscopes for each astrological sign are posted! (Be sure to use the pull-down menu to find your sign.)

And our community pull is the Queen of Pentacles, represented here by the version from the Light Seer’s Tarot.

The Queen of Pentacles from the Light Seer’s Tarot

Look at how serene she is, not even bothered by the retrograde parade (ie the planets in retrograde motion this month: Mercury, Venus Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). She is having a moment to breath in the fresh air, in daylight shaded by mature trees, at one with the natural world around her. She knows her earthy self, she is grateful for simple pleasures, she is at peace with her place in her world.

What a mentor for us this month! She serves as a reminder that no matter the chaos in our lives, we can return to grounded-ness with the breath, by “touching grass”, through physical comfort, sensual delights, gratitude and self-care.



Until next time, I’m wishing you a grounded, grateful month!


August 2023 Tarotscopes are posted!

Hello Tarot Friends!

The monthly Tarotscopes are posted! If you are new here, just maneuver your cursor to the “Monthly Tarotscopes” tab  above, and a pull-down menu of zodiac signs will magically appear! Select your sign from the options for your monthly Tarot inspiration.

Just for fun, I pulled another card for us: the Ace of Swords.

The Ace of Swords from the Fenestra Tarot

I interpret this Ace as a reflection of a new cycle of growth in the realm of communication. This energy supports things like sharing ideas through social media, self-branding, giving voice to new interests, practicing clear communication in relationships of all sorts. In a month filled with retrogrades, it’s a really great reminder to be mindful of how your message lands, to ask questions and seek clarification when needed, and generally keep the lines of communication open.

I have harnessed the energy of this Ace by posting a quick blog after a long hiatus.

How is the Ace of Swords showing up for you?

The Fool in film (The Hobbit spoilers)

I saw The Hobbit last night and I had one of those tarot recognition moments. (Do you have those too? Or is it just me?)

This may be a bit of a spoiler technically, but you probably won’t be surprised to hear that early on in the story, the titular Hobbit Bilbo Baggins (played by my favorite charmer, Martin Freeman) is not interested in adventure. He likes his hobbit hole, with its stocked pantry and library of books and crocheted doilies. It’s cozy and warm and quiet, and his life is utterly self-contained. After an unexpected event with a bunch of loud and lively dwarves, the Hobbit summarily rejects the Wizard’s invitation to the quest. Not interested, not appropriate, not going to happen. And then he wakes up the next morning in his little peaceful hobbit house…with overwhelming need for adventure.

From The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey, 2012

From The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey, 2012

He races to join the dwarves and Gandalf. He knows the adventure guarantees nothing – not fame, not fortune. It doesn’t even guarantee his personal safety, he might not ever return to his hobbit hole. All he knows is that the quest will change him forever. And that’s what he is signing up for: evolution.

That, my dear readers, is the Fool card.

The Fool from the Sharman-Caselli Tarot Deck

The Fool from the Sharman-Caselli Tarot Deck

The Fool reflects that need to discover the world outside the world you have known.

Fool Medieval Enchantments

The Fool from the Medieval Enchantments Tarot Deck

The Fool card calls you to leave behind what is comfortable and cozy and self-contained for what is expansive and beyond your tribal experience. (Explore new territory, cross borders, introduce yourself to a new clan.)


The Fool from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck

The Fool reminds you that you don’t need a completely formed plan, but you do need a purpose. (Be inspired! Inspiration is calling you to a new adventure!)

The Fool from the Norse Tarot

The Fool from the Norse Tarot

The Fool requires you to travel light and trust that you will find what you need on your journey. (Let go of baggage, literal and metaphorical. Look forward, not back.)

The Fool from the Morgan Greer Tarot deck

The Fool from the Morgan Greer Tarot deck

The Fool represents your first steps on your very own Bohemian Path. (See what I did there?)

The Fool is also Dorothy when she tries to run away from the farm, and Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars. The Fool actually appears in film a lot, often as the protagonist (and pretty much any time a main character leaves the family farm). But my favorite Fool in Film is now our Bilbo. In that moment captured in the picture above, you feel his thrill, his joy, his urgency. His change of heart reflects an awareness of his need to be a part of a new tribe, thrilled at the chance to discover the world, honoring the opportunity to find parts of himself that he never knew existed.

Of course, the Fool is an archetype, a metaphor. You don’t have to face down orcs or green witches or stormtroopers to have a Foolish experience, but you do have to honor inspiration and step out of your comfort zone. Dear reader, I hope in this new year you heed the Fool’s call and have your very own Unexpected Adventure.

Late posts

The High Priestess from the Lunatic Tarot

Unfortunately, the tarotscope updates for the week starting January 9th will be delayed. I apologize that this is unavoidable. The weekly tarotscopes will be back by January 16th for sure.

Relatedly, I have had some requests for yearly Tarotscopes, but I don’t know if I will be able to provide those this year. If that changes, I’ll post an announcement (and the ‘scopes, naturally).

The thing is…health issues and other challenges in my personal life require that I limit my tarot offerings. Since this website is free from ads – and therefore not a money-maker for me but free for you – I can only provide weeklies at this time.

Maybe you will be able to think of me as a positive role model for self-care and good boundaries. Thank you for understanding!

Tarot Crafty!

If there is one thing that makes me “tsk”, it’s the sight of a lovely, well-used tarot deck in it’s tattered, original box.  I’m no purist about the proper storage of tarot cards, by any means.  There are those who will insist that a tarot deck be wrapped in silk to protect it’s “vibes”.  Or cotton, or other natural fiber.  I’ve never quite understood the reasoning for it – I’m sure there must be, but I haven’t the patience to find out.

However, I do think that a Tarotist ought to treat the cards respectfully.  In my tarot classes, I suggest to my students that approaching a card reading with some sort of pomp or reverence isn’t so much about the ritual, it’s about creating a space for something special to happen.  After all, no matter what your personal beliefs are as regards divinity or magic or synchronicity, you are consulting the cards for guidance that isn’t available in your mundane, work-a-day world.   So when you get the urge to use your tarot cards, do set aside un-interuptable time, get our your journal and a fancy pen, put on some tinkle-y music, burn incense…you know, set a mood for enlightenment.

To that end, I do think cards should be stored in something nice.  (And travel worthy, for Girls Night In.)

Crocheting is my biggest hobby, and over the years I’ve crocheted all sorts of little drawstring bags.  But while I am rather partial to yarn crafts, that medium does have it’s drawbacks.   So, this weekend I slaved over my sewing machine, working hard to perfect my version of a sewn drawsting bag.  And I must admit, I am rather pleased at the results.

Blue Boho Bags Jan 2011 collection

Blue Boho Bags Jan 2011 collection

The tricky thing is that decks come in so many different sizes.  Frankly, I prefer a bag that is fitted – so I’ve worked up a basic pattern that can be tweaked to fit different decks. 

King of Cups bag, Blue drawsting bag

King of Cups lined drawstring tarot bag

The so-called “King of Cups” bag (above) fits an average deck like the Universal Waite Tarot Deck or the Aquarian Tarot.

Wide Blue Drawstring Bag

I’ve perfected this nice wide one (above) and it can accommodate the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cardsset – both the deck and the little book.  (I know, I know…it’s not a tarot deck per se, but it’s one of my favs.)

Blue Boho Bag corners

My favorite trick is shown above –  I like to give the bag shape with nice corners. 

I left some unlined, as below.  (Those who say cards must be stored in natural fibers would approve, as the sample below is made of cotton.)

Blue boho bag, unlined

But lining the cotton bags makes them a little sturdier, so that’s my preference:

Lined Blue Boho bag

Let’s be honest, after putting so much time and effort into the crafty-tarot-goodness, how could I recommend storing your cards in anything else?  Of course, since I have almost as many Tarot decks as I have shoes, I don’t have many of these bags left over.  Luckily, I still have tons of fabric and a few more adaptions to try…

Rune bags

And I’m also working on some clever embellishments, as you can see from the embroidered rune bag above. 

Stay tuned…I hope to have more varieties soon. 
(Can an Etsy store be far behind???)

Season of Light

The Star from the Sacred Circle Tarot

Across cultures, generation after generation, people come together at this time of year to remind each other that no matter what the sky looks like now, the sun will return.  We reach out to each other in the dark and the cold, and together we call out to the light.  No matter what you celebrate this time of year, it’s likely to be associated with sharing joy and hoping for a better future.

  • Many neolithic and bronze age societies (the builders of Stonehenge, for one example) created observatories in rock to observe the path of the sun on Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. 
  • Sol Invictus, the ancient roman celebration honoring the triumph (or rebirth) of the sun god, was celebrated as sun’s power grows in the days immediately following the solstice.
  • Based on beliefs central to Zoroastrianism, in Iran Shab-e Yaldaa has been celebrated for centuries as the birthday (or re-birth-day) of the Sun.
  • Christmas celebrates the birth of the Light of the World, aka Jesus of Nazareth.  Many biblical scholars believe that the historical Jesus was born at a different time of year, but his birthday was moved to the compete with the other rebirth gods like Osiris, who was celebrated on December 21st in ancient Egypt, and Dionysus, who also had a midwinter festival.
  • In 7th century Japan, Amaterasu (the Sun Goddess) was tricked by the other gods to come out of her cave and bring back the light.
  • And of course there’s Hannukah, the Festival of Light.  In a fight for religious freedom, the Temple had been taken by the enemy and the sacred flame was extinguished – until Judah the Maccabee reclaimed the temple and relit the flame.  Although there was only 1 day’s worth of consecrated oil, the flame kept burning for 8 days.
  • Buddhists celebrate Bodhi Day on December 8th (or the closest Sunday to it) which marks the day the Buddha gained enLIGHTenment.
  • Koleda was the midwinter holiday for ancient Slavic and Saramatian peoples.  Families would light big fires and invited their personal gods to join in the festivities.  Children would visit their neighbors and sing songs.  Yule was a similar holday for some Germanic tribes, wherein a yule log was lit and partying continued until it extinguished. Other Germanic peoples participated in Perchta rituals in honor of the goddess Hertha (sometimes Bertha).  She joined the party through the smoke of the hearth, giving chosen members the ability to fortell the future.
  • The ancient Incas celebrated Inti Ramyi on the Winter Soltice, which is a festival for the Sun god wherein the priests would “tie” the sun to a hitching post.  

This is just a sample of some of the midwinter celebrations that we know about.  Do you see any recurring themes? 

I submit that this is the essence of the Star card in the tarot: the future will be brighter.  

No matter what you celebrate this time of year, may you become abundantly aware of ever-increasing light and a future full of promise.

The Star from the Aquarian Tarot

Shifting Images

Taking snaps of some tarot bags I’ve crocheted, I was inspired to update the header photo on this site.   If you’ve visited before you’ll remember that gorgeous old bridge photo that came as a default.  It was such a stunning metaphor for how I like to use the tarot, but I’ll try on my own photos for a little change. 

So, currently the header displays some cards from the Zerner Farber deck.  The version of their deck that I use came with the The Instant Tarot Reader: Book And Card Set (which is a fantastic resource for beginners).  I am a big fan of the work of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber – all of their decks and metaphysical tools are so lovely and inspiring, but I especially adore their Tarot set.  (Naturally!)  You’ll see the images from time to time in my Tarotscopes, the artwork is luscious collage with soft drawings and rich tapestry. 


If you consult the tarot hoping to hear about a change in your circumstances, don’t be surprised if the tarot advises you to make a change in yourself!

Think of the Tarot like a map. Maybe your dream destination is just around the bend, or maybe you need to replot your course.  Or maybe you’re not sure if you want to go to that place anymore.  The map won’t tell you if you “should” or “shouldn’t” go to that destination, nor precisely how long it will take you (especially if you are good at getting lost on the back roads or taking long siestas at the rest stops.)  But our reading will illustrate which parts of your life are on point and which areas are off the grid. You will receive advice on changes you can make to better align with your choosen trajectory and/or tips for dealing with roadblocks, detours, dead-ends, traveling companions and crazy locals.

The Fool from the Universal Waite Tarot

It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

If you’d rather hear a pretty story about how all of your dreams come right to your doorstep without any effort on your part, if you expect a long laundry list of awesome predictions…please find a nice lady with a big neon palm in her window, she probably clears curses and reunites lost loves too.

Otherwise, find a tarot reader with at least one foot on the ground.  If it’s yours truly, please bring an open mind and an open heart and trust that the message on the table can help guide you towards the epiphany you seek.  (You’ll still have to take steps towards that which you seek.) 

Change begins within you.

Hello world!

The Fool, from the Fenestra Tarot

Welcome to my new blog!  After years of publishing my Tarot musings over at Bohemian Path Tarot, I have decided to try a blog format.  I am still learning the ropes over here at Word Press, but I am hoping for a more dynamic and interactive offering at this location.  Let’s take the leap!